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Creative Lady
Puerto Vallarta,Jalisco,Mexico 0 average rating (0 reviews)

At Creative Lady we are passionate about health and wellness for your body, mind, and spirit.  Some cornerstone ways to do that are eating right, exercising, and decreasing our stress levels, and we will help you on your journey with them.  A great stress reliever for me is being outdoors and seeing nature.  I'm sharing this sunset picture, where I enjoyed the sunset, the sounds of the waves, and the cool ocean breeze!

Another good way to decrease stress is to bring balance into your life - between work and fun, exercise and rest, thinking and chilling out.  Holidays are a joyous time of the year but can also bring added stress.  Be sure to take time to relax and have some downtime.  One option  is to meditate while using candles and / or incense to create the mood.

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