Terms and Conditions

These Terms govern your access to, usage of all content, Product and Services available at https://persix.com website (the “Service”) operated by Associalite LLC (“us”, “we”, or “our”).

Your access to our services is subject to your acceptance, without modification, of all of the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules and policies published and that may be published from time to time by us.

Please read the Agreement carefully before accessing or using our Services. By accessing or using any part of our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to any part of the terms of the Agreement, then you may not access or use our Services.

Intellectual Property

The Agreement does not transfer from Us to you any of Ours or third party intellectual property, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Associalite LLC and its licensors.

Third-Party Services

In using the Services, you may use third-party services, products, software, embeds, or applications developed by a third party (“Third-Party Services”).

If you use any Third Party Services, you understand that:

  • Any use of a Third Party Service is at your own risk, and we shall not be responsible or liable to anyone for Third Party websites or Services.
  • You acknowledge and agree that We shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of any such content, goods or services available on or through any such websites or services.


Where use of any part of our Services requires an account, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information when you register for an account.

You will be solely responsible and liable for any activity that occurs under your account. You are responsible for keeping your account information up-to-date and for keeping your password secure.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account that you use to access the Service. You shall not share or misuse your access credentials. You must notify us immediately of any unauthorized uses of your account or upon becoming aware of any other breach of security.

Persix Product Sales and Promotion Policy

Overview of the Persix Product Sales and Promotion policies and how we enforce them.

We strive to support a healthy ecommerce multi-vendor marketplace – one that’s trustworthy and transparent, and works for customers, vendors, and the community. The purpose of this Policy is to help our vendors sell and promote products in a way that aligns with our policy, values, and standards.

This policy is designed to ensure a safe and positive experience for our customers and that the marketplace abides by applicable laws. This means that our policies prohibit content that is harmful to customers and the overall marketplace.

Our Product Sales and Promotion policies include three broad areas, which are covered in more detail below:

Prohibited Content: Content you’re not allowed to promote on Persix

Prohibited Practices: Things you can’t do if you want to be a vendor on Persix

Restricted Content: Content you can sell or promote, but with limitations

We take action on content that violates our policies. This may include corrective action such as issuing a warning and / or setting the violating products to a Draft Status so they won’t be displayed on Persix, providing time for the vendor to take corrective action.  Repeat or egregious violations can result in suspending the vendor’s account.

We will provide you with information on our decision for any policy violation enforcement actions we take, and the actions that we expect you to take to resolve it. You can appeal this action by writing to legal@associalite.com.

Prohibited Content

Counterfeit Goods

Persix prohibits the sale and / or promotion of counterfeit products. Counterfeit goods contain a trademark or logo that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the trademark or logo of another. They mimic the brand features of the product in an attempt to pass themselves off as a genuine product of the brand owner.

This policy applies to the sale of products and any content on Persix.

Dangerous Products

Persix wants to help keep people safe both online and offline, so we don’t allow the sale and / or promotion of products that cause damage, harm, or injury.

Examples of dangerous content: Recreational drugs (chemical or herbal); psychoactive substances; equipment to facilitate drug use; weapons, ammunition, explosive materials, and fireworks; instructions for making explosives or other harmful products; tobacco products.

Products that Enable Dishonest Behavior

Persix values honesty and fairness, so we don’t allow the sale and / or promotion of products that are designed to enable dishonest behavior.

Examples of products that enable dishonest behavior: Hacking software or instructions; fake documents; academic cheating products.

Inappropriate Content

Persix values diversity and respect for others, and we strive to avoid offending users, so we don’t allow the sale and / or promotion of products or any content that display shocking content or promote hatred, intolerance, discrimination, or violence.

Examples of inappropriate or offensive content: Bullying or intimidation of an individual or group; racial discrimination; hate group paraphernalia

Adult-oriented Content

 Persix prohibits adult-oriented content that:

  • Violates applicable laws or regulations for any location that you target
  • Targets minors
  • Promotes sexually explicit content
  • Promotes content with underage or non-consensual sexual themes, including child sexual abuse content
  • Promotes content that may be interpreted as providing sexual acts in exchange for compensation

Alcoholic Beverages

Persix prohibits the sale and / or promotion of alcoholic beverages and drinks that resemble alcoholic beverages.

Examples of alcoholic beverages: beer; wine; sake; spirits or hard alcohol; Champagne; fortified wine; non-alcoholic beer; non-alcoholic wine; and non-alcoholic distilled spirits.

Gambling-related Content

Persix prohibits the Sale and / or promotion of gambling-related content.

Examples of gambling-related content: national or private lotteries; sites offering bonus codes or promotional offers for gambling sites

Prohibited Practices

Abuse of the  Persix Marketplace

Persix wants the marketplace to be useful, varied, relevant, and safe for users, so we don’t allow any of the following:

  • Malicious content
  • Vendors that have multiple postings of the same product
  • Vendors who try to bypass our review processes


 Persix doesn’t want customers to feel misled by the sale and / or promotion of products on the marketplace, and that means being upfront, honest, and providing them with the information that they need to make informed decisions. For this reason, we don’t allow the following:

  • Products that prompt users to initiate a purchase, download, or make other commitments without first providing all relevant information.
  • Sale or promotion of products in a way that is not accurate, realistic, and truthful

Restricted Content

The policies below cover content that is sometimes legally or culturally sensitive. Online sales can be a powerful way to reach customers, but in sensitive areas, we also work hard to avoid selling or promoting products when and where they might be inappropriate.

For that reason, we allow the sale and / or promotion of the content below, but on a limited basis. These products may not be sold to every user in every location, and vendors may need to meet additional requirements before their products are eligible to be sold.

Copyrighted Content

 Persix restricts the promotion of copyrighted content. If you would like to promote copyrighted content and believe you are legally authorized to do so, you can contact us.   To learn more about how we handle copyright-related issues or to submit a copyright-related complaint, contact us at legal@associalite.com.

Healthcare-related Content

Persix restricts the sale and / or promotion of healthcare-related content such as the following:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Unapproved pharmaceuticals

The restrictions that apply to this content may vary depending on the product you’re selling and promoting and the countries that you’re targeting. Some content, such as unapproved pharmaceuticals, may not be sold anywhere.

Depending on the products you’re selling and promoting and the countries you are selling to, you may need to apply for preauthorization with Persix before selling and promoting healthcare-related content.


Persix doesn’t restrict use of trademarks by vendors in the title or description of a product when it’s for a trademarked product or a product compatible with the trademarked product.  Vendors need to reference trademarks to be able to communicate to customers what they’re offering, and customers need that information as it’s relevant to their purchases. We’ll review claims by trademark owners that use of their trademark is likely to cause consumer confusion about the origin of a product. To submit a trademark-related complaint if you’re an owner of the trademark, please write to legal@associalite.com.

Links To Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by Associalite LLC .

Associalite LLC assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. Associalite LLC shall also not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.

We advise you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that you visit.


Disclaimer: Tax Calculations for Multi-Vendor Marketplace

The tax information provided on this Multi-Vendor Marketplace is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional tax advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date tax calculations, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the tax information presented on this platform.

Vendor Responsibility:

Each vendor on this Multi-Vendor Marketplace is responsible for accurately representing the tax information related to their products and sales. The accuracy and completeness of tax calculations for individual products are the sole responsibility of the respective vendors.

Consult a Tax Professional:

Tax regulations and laws can vary significantly based on jurisdiction and individual circumstances. The tax information provided on this platform might not encompass all relevant tax rules that apply to your specific situation. We strongly advise consulting a qualified tax professional or advisor for personalized guidance on tax liabilities, obligations, and planning.

Limitation of Liability:

Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss or damage, including indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising from the use of, or reliance on, the tax information provided on this Multi-Vendor Marketplace.

Changes and Updates:

We retain the right to modify, update, or remove any tax-related information on this platform without prior notice. Users are responsible for reviewing the most current tax information before making any decisions.

By utilizing this Multi-Vendor Marketplace, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and accepted the aforementioned disclaimer concerning tax calculations.


We may terminate or suspend your access to all or any part of our Services at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately.

If you wish to terminate the Agreement or your Associalite LLC account, you may simply discontinue using our Services.

All provisions of the Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.


Our Services are provided “AS IS.” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. Associalite LLC and its suppliers and licensors hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Neither Associalite LLC , nor its suppliers and licensors, makes any warranty that our Services will be error-free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted.

You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, our Services at your own discretion and risk.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

Except to the extent any applicable law provides otherwise, the Agreement and any access to or use of our Services will be governed by the laws of Texas.

The proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement and any access to or use of our Services will be the state and federal courts located in Texas.


Associalite LLC reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time.

If we make changes that are material, we will let you know by posting on our website, or by sending you an email or other communication before the changes take effect. The notice will designate a reasonable period of time after which the new terms will take effect.

We will try to provide at least 30 days notice prior to the effective changes. If you disagree with our changes, then you should stop using our Services within the designated notice period, or once the changes become effective.

Your continued use of our Services will be subject to the new terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us at

Last Updated: August 8, 2023